The only thing more important than wanting is doing. Participate?
Those who understand can also act wisely. Participate?
Working in the network is our great success factor. Participate?

Together. Environment. Finance. The model project turnaround money is a participatory programme to accelerate the implementation of consistently more environmental protection through sustainable finance in the regions of Europe.
This project is funded by the BMUV within the framework of the European Environmental Protection Initiative (EURENI).
Through Sustainable Finance, investments should promote the transformation to an (environmentally) sustainable economy.
Sounds simple. But practice shows that the combination of complex issues such as financial markets and sustainability presents us with challenges. This applies to savers, investors, asset managers and companies as target groups of the project. Especially at the local and regional level, the actors often lack orientation and a strategy to effectively implement their own sustainability claim with the (new) regulatory requirements at the European and national level.
This is where the turnaround money project comes in: through motivation, education and networking, local and regional actors are to be enabled to implement effective sustainable finance strategies and thus decisively support environmental protection.
Analysis: Where does the region stand? Which actors should be involved? Which environmental issues should be the focus?
10 - 15 interviews per region plus document analyses (regional development plans, sustainability concepts ...)
Two co-creation workshops in each region
Development of a turnaround money concept for each region
Motivation, education and networking
Which building blocks should be implemented by whom and with what effort in the next 2-3 years (events, workshops, educational building blocks, etc.)?
To identify the important issues in the respective region where the topic of sustainable finance should and can provide particular support
Gain support from key multipliers and decision-makers in the respective region.
To develop a turnaround money concept in each region in a participatory manner. What will be the next most important steps of whom in the following 2-3 years?
Find out whether and how the approach in this project can also help other regions to become a turnaround money region.
The current regulatory top-down approach of the EU is to be complemented by turnaround money with a civil society bottom-up approach from the region.
Geld mit Sinn e.V.
Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
Starkmacher e.V., Mannheim + Fair Finance Institute, Heidelberg
KU Leuven and NGO Nieuwe Mensheid
East Flanders Region, City of Ghent
NGO UEZ Udruga za Ekonomiju Zajednistva
Koprivnica-Križevci Region, City of Križevci